Analysis of Asus TRX firmware


 Analysis of file FW_RT_N53_30043763754.trx corresponding to firmware of Asus RT N53.

Header Structure

Offset Size (Bytes) Item Value (FW_RT_N53_30043763754.trx)
0 4 Magic Bytes HDR0
4 4 Length (including header) 0x00707000
8 4 CRC32 (for data from offset 0xC) 0x512E08B5
0xC 2 Flags 0
0x0E 2 Version 0x0001
0x10 4 Loader Offset 0x0000001C
0x14 4 Kernel Offset 0x00000A8C
0x18 4 Rootfs Offset 0x001299EC


If the magic bytes is HDR0 firmware is little endian.

1. Verify size of file is same as that in header, ie. 0x707000 or 7368704 bytes.

2. To calculate CRC32 extract data from offset 0xC.
dd iflag=skip_bytes if=fw.trx skip=$((0xC)) of=crc_data

Calculate CRC32:
crc32 crc_data

Convert result  obtained, 0xaed1f74a to signed value and verify with header.
printf %X $((~0xaed1f74a & 0xFFFFFFFF))

3. Extract loader:
dd iflag=skip_bytes,count_bytes if=fw.trx skip=$((0x1C)) count=$((0xA8C - 0x1C)) of=loader

4. Extract kernel:
dd iflag=skip_bytes,count_bytes if=fw.trx skip=$((0xA8C)) count=$((0x1299EC - 0xA8C)) of=kernel

5. Extract rootfs:
dd iflag=skip_bytes,count_bytes if=fw.trx skip=$((0x1299EC))  of=rootfs

sasquatch rootfs



  1. Nice post! I followed your code but realized my firmware doesnt start like yours. Its missing the HDR0, and everything else. Do you have any recommendation on how can I continue? If it helps my firmware is the RT-AC1200_V2_3.0.0.4_382_70167-g57155ad.trx from an asus router (rt-ac1200 v2)


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